What’s This Guide For?

This guide will teach car dealers everything they need to know about text blast marketing. We'll cover best practices, compliance, and how to make your campaigns really work. By using this guide, you'll be able to improve your marketing and grow your dealership!

Introducing Text Blasts for Car Dealers

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Sending a text blast, also known as SMS marketing or mass text messaging, is an effective communication method that enables businesses to reach a large audience with multiple messages simultaneously, just like an email blast campaign. The significant advantage of text blasts over email campaigns is their exceptional engagement levels, as they outshine email campaigns, which usually only have a 20% open rate. With an average read rate of over 75%, text blasts are a highly efficient marketing tool that businesses can leverage to connect with their audience effectively.


For car dealers, text blasts can greatly benefit your business by:


  • Reaching customers on their phones, where they spend about 4 hours every day, increasing your dealership's visibility and engagement

  • Promoting special deals, limited-time offers, and inventory updates, which helps attract potential buyers and boost sales

  • Reducing advertising costs, as text blasts are generally more affordable than traditional marketing methods, allowing you to allocate resources to other aspects of your business.


Your Target Audience

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To maximize the effectiveness of your text blast campaign, it's essential to accurately identify and segment your best potential prospects. By doing so, you can create more targeted messages, increase engagement, and ultimately drive higher sales conversions.


checkIdentifying Potential Customers


The first step in creating a successful text blast campaign is identifying potential customers who would be interested in your dealership's offerings. Here are some ways to identify potential customers:

  • Sold Customers: These are customers who have purchased or serviced vehicles at your dealership in the past. They are more likely to be receptive to your marketing efforts, as they already have a relationship with your brand.

  • Recent Customer Leads: These are individuals who have expressed interest in your dealership and opted into marketing communications. They may not have made a purchase yet, but their interest makes them a valuable target audience.

checkSegmenting Your Audience


Once you have identified your potential customers, it's time to segment them into smaller, more targeted groups. Segmenting allows you to tailor your messages and offers more effectively, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates. Consider segmenting your audience based on the following factors:

  • Past Interactions with Your Dealership: Segment customers based on their previous purchases, inquiries, or interactions with your dealership. This can help you understand their preferences, needs, and expectations better, enabling you to create more personalized messages.

  • Vehicle Preferences: Categorize your audience based on their preferred make, model, year, or type of vehicle. By understanding their preferences, you can send targeted offers and promotions that appeal specifically to their inventory interests.

  • Financing Needs: Segment your audience based on their financing needs for example BHPH versus a retail transaction. Customers with different financing requirements will respond better to targeted offers, and understanding these differences can help you create more effective campaigns. 

  • Customer Lifecycle Stage: Different customers may be at different stages in their relationship with your dealership. Segmenting your audience based on their stage in the customer lifecycle can help you tailor your messaging to address their unique needs and expectations.


Text Blast Platform and Features

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Choose a text marketing platform that offers essential features like scheduling, advanced filters, and association with dealership inventory. In addition to standalone platforms, some dealership CRMs have text blast capability built in, providing seamless integration to streamline your marketing efforts and boost overall efficiency for your dealership.


checkChoose a reliable platform

Select a reputable and reliable text blast platform that meets your dealership's needs. Consider the following factors when making your decision:


  • Pricing: Compare costs, including user seat fees, message limits, and any additional charges.

  • Ease-of-use: Opt for a user-friendly platform that doesn't require extensive training or technical knowledge

  • Scalability: Ensure the platform can handle your current and future text messaging volume needs

  • Customer support: Choose a provider with a strong track record of responsive and helpful customer service that will show you how to use the tool


checkIntegration with CRM systems

If your current dealership CRM does not have text blast functionality, consider integrating your 3rd party text blast platform with your dealership's CRM system which can streamline your marketing efforts. Benefits of integration include:

  • Easy access to customer information and opt-in communication history

  • Automated synchronization of contact lists and deal data

  • Improved targeting and personalization of messages based on CRM data

  • Enhanced reporting and analytics capabilities


Crafting Effective Messages

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Crafting effective messages is crucial for a successful text blast campaign; ensure your text campaigns are attention-grabbing, concise, and personalized to drive engagement and prompt recipients to take action.


checkCompelling first lines


Create attention-grabbing first lines (usually first sentence) that encourage recipients to open and read your message further from their message inbox view. Effective first lines should:

  • Be concise and to the point

  • Convey a sense of urgency or exclusivity

  • Highlight the main benefit or offer in the message

  • Avoid using all caps, excessive punctuation, or spammy language

checkClear and concise content


Ensure your text messages are easy to read and understand by keeping them brief and focused. To create clear and concise content:

  • Limit your message to 160 characters or less

  • Use simple language and avoid industry jargon

  • Focus on one main idea or offer per message

  • Format your message with line breaks and bullet points for easy readability


Encourage recipients to take the desired action by including a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) in your message. Effective CTAs should:

  • Be action-oriented, using verbs like "call XXX-XXX-XXXX" or "visit www.abcmotors.com/creditapp"

  • Specify the exact action you want the recipient to take

  • Create a sense of urgency with phrases like "limited-time" or "act now."

Provide a simple method for taking action, such as a phone number, website link, or physical address


checkPersonalization and customization


Make your messages more engaging by tailoring them to individual recipients or audience segments. To achieve this, consider:

  • Addressing recipients by their first name, if available as a merge field 

  • Referencing the recipient's past interactions with your dealership, such as previous inquiries or purchases if possible

  • Customizing offers and promotions based on the recipient's preferences, such as vehicle type, price range, or financing needs

  • Sending targeted messages based on the recipient's location, using local references or offers specific to their area

  • Acknowledging special occasions, such as birthdays, to create a more personal connection


Timing and Frequency

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Strategically selecting the timing and frequency of your text blast campaign is essential for maximizing engagement; send messages during optimal hours and maintain a consistent schedule without overwhelming recipients.


checkBest days and times to send messages


To maximize the effectiveness of your text blast campaign, send messages when recipients are most likely to engage with them. Consider the following recommendations for optimal timing:

  • Weekdays generally see higher engagement rates than weekends

  • Avoid sending messages outside of normal business hours as there are compliance considerations

  • Mid-morning (around 10 a.m.) and mid-afternoon (around 2 p.m.) are often good times to send messages, as people may be taking breaks or have more time to check their phones

  • Keep in mind your target audience's schedule and preferences when choosing the best time to send messages


checkBalance frequency to avoid spamming


  • Monitor engagement metrics, such as opt-out rates, to gauge whether your current frequency is effective or causing recipients to disengage

  • Avoid sending multiple messages in a short period, as this may be perceived as spam

  • Test different frequencies to determine the optimal balance between maintaining engagement and avoiding message fatigue among recipients



Performance Metrics and Analytics


Monitoring performance metrics and analyzing data are crucial in refining your text blast campaign strategies, ensuring continuous improvement and alignment with your dealership's goals


checkKey performance indicators (KPIs):


To measure the success of your text blast campaign, establish KPIs that align with your dealership's goals. Common KPIs for text blast marketing include:

  • Delivery rates: The percentage of recipients who received your message

  • Click-through rates: The percentage of recipients who click on a link or take the desired action in your messages

  • Conversion rates: The percentage of recipients who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or completing a credit app

  • Opt-out rates: The percentage of recipients who unsubscribe from your text messages.

  • Return on investment (ROI): The financial return generated by your text blast campaign, considering costs and revenue.


checkAnalyze delivery and click-through rates


Monitoring delivery and click-through rates can provide insights into the effectiveness of your messages and offers. To analyze these rates:

  • Compare performance across different messages to identify patterns or trends.

  • Identify which first lines, offers, or content types generate the highest engagement

  • Use A/B testing to experiment with different message elements, such as first lines, CTAs, or personalization.

  • Adjust your messaging strategy based on the insights gained from this analysis

  • Utilize a third-party URL tracking tool to measure click analytics on links within your text message campaigns


checkMonitor opt-out rates


Keeping track of opt-out rates is essential for understanding recipient satisfaction and ensuring compliance with legal requirements. To monitor opt-out rates:

  • Regularly review opt-out data in your text marketing platform or CRM system.

  • Identify any spikes in opt-outs that may be linked to specific messages or campaigns.

  • Gather feedback from recipients who have opted out to understand their reasons and make improvements accordingly.

  • Adjust the frequency, content, or targeting of your messages if opt-out rates are consistently high or increasing.



Integration with Other Marketing Channels


Integrating your text blast campaign with other marketing channels, such as social media, email, and direct mail, helps reinforce your message, broaden your reach, and optimize your overall marketing efforts.

checkSocial media promotion

Boost the reach and effectiveness of your text blast campaign by integrating it with your social media marketing efforts. To do this:

Encourage your social media followers to sign up for your dealership text message list by promoting the benefits and exclusive offers they will receive. Use targeted social media ads to drive opt-ins for your text message list.

checkEmail marketing

Complement your text blast campaign with email marketing to reach a broader audience and provide more in-depth information. Integrate your email and text message subscriber lists to ensure seamless communication across both channels. Use text messages to drive traffic to your email promotions, such as highlighting a featured CTA or promotion.

checkDirect mail campaigns

Combine your text blast efforts with direct mail campaigns to reinforce your message and reach customers through multiple touchpoints. Use direct mail to reinforce a similar text message campaign through another marketing medium. Coordinate the timing of direct mail and text blast promotions to maximize their impact and maintain a consistent message.


Continuous Improvement and Engagement


For successful future text blast campaigns, it's crucial to prioritize continuous improvement and customer engagement. Regularly test, gather feedback, and adapt your strategies to better meet customer preferences and stay ahead of industry trends.

  • Test different messages and offers - Optimize your text blast campaign by consistently testing various messages and offers to identify what resonates best with your audience. Utilize A/B testing to compare different first lines, content, or CTAs within your messages.

  • Identify areas for improvement - Analyze data and feedback collected from your customers and performance metrics to pinpoint aspects of your text blast campaign that can be enhanced. Regularly review engagement metrics and customer feedback to identify patterns or trends.

  • Adapt strategies based on trends - Stay competitive and relevant by continuously updating your text blast campaign strategies in response to industry trends and evolving customer preferences. Adjust your messaging, offers, and targeting strategies to align with emerging trends and customer expectations.

  • Prioritize follow-up and engagement - Build strong relationships with potential customers by emphasizing follow-up and engagement. Respond to inquiries promptly, and assign a dedicated team member or group to manage text message campaign responses; monitor response times and adjust staffing or processes as needed to maintain prompt communication, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience.

Texting Compliance 101


Ensure your text blast campaign adheres to all relevant laws and regulations by understanding and following the guidelines set forth by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), while prioritizing consent and providing recipients with easy opt-out options.


checkTelephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)


The TCPA is a federal law that regulates telemarketing calls, auto-dialed calls, pre-recorded calls, text messages, and unsolicited faxes. To comply with the TCPA, car dealers should:

  • Obtain prior express written consent from recipients before sending promotional text messages

  • Maintain records of the consent obtained from customers

  • Provide clear and conspicuous disclosure of the potential for receiving future text messages from the sender


checkFederal Trade Commission (FTC) Regulations


The FTC enforces various regulations, including the CAN-SPAM Act and the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR), which impact text blast marketing. To comply with these regulations, car dealers should ensure that all messages contain accurate and non-deceptive information.


checkObtaining consent from recipients


To obtain consent from potential recipients, car dealers can:

  • Implement opt-in forms on their website or in-store

  • Use a double opt-in process, where users first provide their phone number and then confirm their consent via a follow-up text message

  • Clearly explain the purpose and frequency of text messages and provide an example of the type of content that will be sent


checkOpt-out options for recipients


To ensure compliance with legal requirements and respect recipients' preferences, car dealers should:

  • Provide a simple and clear opt-out mechanism in every text message, such as replying "STOP" to unsubscribe.

  • Honor opt-out requests promptly and maintain a "Do Not Contact" list to avoid sending messages to those who have opted out.

  • Regularly update and maintain opt-out lists to ensure accurate records.


checkOther Compliance Considerations:


  • Send at Appropriate Times: Avoid sending text blasts before 8:00 am or after 9:00 pm in the recipient's time zone.

  • Limit Frequency: Determine a reasonable frequency of messages and avoid sending too many messages that can be seen as spam.

Note: Dealerships should consult with their own legal counsel to ensure compliance with state regulations and requirements.


Templates You Can Use


checkPromotion of Sales Events

    "πŸ”₯ ABC Motors Special Alert! Visit us for our exclusive sales event! Unbelievable deals await you. More info at abcmotors.com or call 987 654 3210. Don't miss out!"

checkService Coupons and Offers

    "πŸ’° Save big at ABC Motors! Get your exclusive service coupon at abcmotors.com or call us at 987 654 3210 for details. Keep your ride in top shape for less!"

checkNew Car Arrivals/Model Launches

    "πŸš— Be the first to see the latest models at ABC Motors! Check out our new arrivals at abcmotors.com or call 987 654 3210. Drive into the future today!"

checkCustomer Appreciation

    "πŸ† As a valued ABC Motors customer, we appreciate your loyalty! Visit abcmotors.com for special offers or call us at 987 654 3210. Thank you for choosing us!"

checkSeasonal/Holiday Promotions

    "πŸŽ‰ Celebrate the season with ABC Motors! Find incredible holiday deals at abcmotors.com or call 987 654 3210. Happy holidays from our family to yours!"

checkService Reminders

    "⏰ Time for a check-up? Schedule your service appointment at ABC Motors. Visit abcmotors.com or call 987 654 3210. Keep your car running smoothly!"

checkExclusive Invitations

    "🎟️ You're invited! Join us at ABC Motors for an exclusive event. Details at abcmotors.com or call 987 654 3210. We look forward to seeing you!"

Please note: It's important to get permission from customers before sending them text messages and to provide an option to opt out of receiving messages. Also, be sure to respect their privacy and abide by all applicable laws and regulations.

Implementing a text blast campaign can be an effective and efficient marketing strategy for car dealers. To ensure success, dealers should comply with legal regulations, choose a reliable platform, craft effective messages, and monitor performance metrics. Dealers should also continuously improve their strategies by testing, gathering feedback, and adapting to industry trends.

Text blast campaigns can offer a range of potential benefits to used car dealers, such as increased customer engagement, improved retention and loyalty, and a higher ROI. By targeting the right audience with personalized and compelling messages, dealers can drive sales and grow their customer base.

If you're a dealership looking for a text marketing platform, Selly's Text Blast platform could be a great option. It offers the ability to create compelling messages, tailor content to individual customers, and target specific audiences, all of which can lead to increased sales and better customer engagement.

Download the Guide: Text Blast Marketing

Boost Your Car Dealership Sales: Quick and Effective Text Blast Strategies for Dealers of All Sizes.